Sweeten Your Resolutions with Apple Maida Balushahi!
Why do we need to wait for festival season to enjoy delicious, tasty, sweets?
Well, the simple answer is, that making a sweet dish is a tedious job. It requires lots of time, energy, and ingredients.
But don’t worry, we have brought a simple, elegant, and delicious dessert Balushahi in 3 easy steps, with 3 ingredients.
So let’s get started
Apple Maida – 2 cups
Ghee – ½ Cups
Sugar – 1 Cup
Side ingredients
Salt – ¼ Tsp
Baking powder – ¼ Tsp
Butter – 1 Tbsp
Kesar – ¼ Tsp
Elichi – ¼ Tsp
Chilled water – 2 Cups
Garnishing ingredients
Pistachio nuts – 1 Tsp
Step1 – Dough
– Take apple maida brought by Apple Foods, one of the best-refined flours in India. Add ghee into it and mix it.
– Add salt and baking powder to it and mix it.
– Add chilled water and mix it all.
– Don’t knead it, just combine everything well to give layers to Balushahi.
– Once it is combined well, add melted butter, mix it into the dough, and rest it for 20 minutes.
Step2 – Fry
– Once the dough is ready, make small-sized balls of the dough.
– Make a hole with a rolling pin.
– Fry Balushahis on the low flame.
– Make sure that Balushahis are crispy.
Step3 – Sugar syrup
– In a pan, take 1 cup of water, ½ cup of sugar, and put it on low flame.
– Once the sugar is melted, add saffron and elaichi for color and flavor.
– Simmer till the syrup becomes sticky or you get 1 string consistency.
– Add balushahi to this syrup and cook it for 5-6 minutes on both sides.
Put Balushahi on a plate, let it cool completely, and garnish it with chopped pistachio.
Serve it hot or store it in an air-tight container for 6-7 days.